"goodwill" out of warranty replacement or repair
I answered your questions. You don't like the answer! Whenever Honda does a "goodwill" out of warranty replacement or repair, the dealer eats the clost of the labor & the Honda company pays for the parts. Simple as that. HONDA CAN'T KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS UNTIL THE ENGINEERS LOOK INS...
very specific problem
First, I didn't refuse checking and visual checking was done. Again I just asked the question, what is the checking by tech, for this very specific problem, about. If I don't see any benefits of checking, except that dealer gets some money, I will not do that. And on the end, they always can do that check...
"Honda's" treatment of customers with the "dealers" treatment of customers
Wrong. They check for continuity & power. The only way to get Honda to even consider replacing the unit to to allow the techs to do their job, no matter how limited it is. Some dealers have a 1 hour minimum for ANY diagnostics, some 30 minutes. One area going to a different dealer may help. They certai...
automatically your fault
It feels like this has been answered several times.... the dealer's job is to make sure the failure is IN the unit, not the car...so they ONLY check the stuff making it work from the car's end....the commectors. The unit has a sticker seal & if that's broken or messed with it's totally unreturnable...
"the light is broken."
Well you keep saying the problem is pretty obvious, so what part failed?You think that all it takes to do a diagnosis is to say "the light is broken." If the light in your room doesn't turn on you assume the light bulb is burned out. But maybe the switch is at fault? That's not likely in a bedroom...
TSB issued by Honda
What is the reason why my unit stopped working properly is not of concern to me as a customer. This is something that Honda and radio's manufacturer need to worry about. What was of concern to me was that I found that more than few other cars had the same problem, that Honda was resolving the problem diffe...
"lights" went put AFTER 36K
But we don't know how many "lights" went put AFTER 36K & how many before. So NO, it's not obvious. Over many years I've seen news stories about things like say a cancer cluster...they just KNOW it has to be the water or something in the enviroment. Then it turns out that according to the nu...
problem is pretty unique
Don't you think that problem is pretty unique, no light and everything else is working in the unit. From the number of cases I would say they have enough experience to know what is the problem without opening the unit. If the unit doesn't get right current I suppose I could not be able to listen radio and C...
"bad" parts get sent when under warranty
mpopeskov, basically it's whether or not it's getting the right current. Just like any other electronic thing. If it's not, which with part of it not working right it shouldn't) then the "fix" is to replace the unit. They don't open it up. Most probably don't bother since they've come in un...
replace the PCM
From all the information Princess has posted, it looks like the PCM is the most likely root of my issues.The whole reason I am going to become a DTC generator is so that they can't ignore me - Dealerships like to go "Ooooooh, the computer-scooter isn't showing me anyhting, and telling me how to fix...
performing goodwill warranty work
Honda has no reason to get your hopes up and tell you that they'll replace your head unit until they know what the problem is and that it wasn't tampered with. I know the TSB says you have to get approval from Honda before performing goodwill warranty work - but that's the dealer's job. Other people have h...
more information about the problem
I brought the case to Honda CS but their representative didn't want to open the case until service does diagnostic other than visual. I am still not convinced that there is any meaningfull diagnostic that can give more information about the problem. Even TSB states only symptoms that are visual. I am...
"defend" the company
You REALLY got a crappy dealer there!!! Please let us know which one it is so we can all avoid them!! They're SUPPOSED to check al the connections to make sure nothing has come loose....& check the continuity with a tool like this....(see picture) & if nothing is wrong then the unit is faulty &a...
Honda CS didn't handle this problem
Just to update you on the topic that initiated this discussion. I wrote e-mail to dealership asking them what is involved in the diagnostic, what are possible problems and what results will show them what is the exact problem. So 2 hours later they called me and told me that they don't do any diagnostic...
original poster
i personally went back and hopefully cleared up some issues with the original poster... i explained that he should try another dealer. we know we have a small language barrier of sorts there. my beef has become one with some other posters. i am personally no longer arguing at all with the original post...
tranny problems
Sorry but you are wrong as well. The 3.3L has had sludging issues and they have NOT extended the warranty. The transmissions have also been experiencing failures, and I am not sure if they did extend the warranty on the RX300/Sienna in ~2001 or so...I think they did, but they did not cover all affected m...
varying charges
im not some kid driving mommy and daddy's vehicle either. you may have a few years on me, but cool your jets. i've seen alot too. i've EARNED my cars. my parents would barely let me touch their cars when i was under their care muich less buy me one or even consider ocsigning if i was paying for it myself!!! ev...
fighting battles
my parents used to own ford exclusively and thoguht NOTHING of the numerous repairs required just to keep the cars on the road that THEY had to pay for out of pocket. this doesn't take into account numerous small issues that didn't render the car undriveable. my ex owns a sentra, and while overall it has...
great bulbs
Sylvania SilverStars burn out quite a lot and they actually cost a pretty penny but I don't see all that many people complain about them. It normally goes: "great bulbs, short life, might give them another try" or "will go with something else next time" but never "what a PO...
eplace my brakes under warranty
yes, i do believe lots of this between you and other members is a language /communication issue! the english language can have many subtleties in it that if you aren't as familiar with the language, you may not notice. aka why we interpretted your comment as calling benjiboy stupid. you didn't mean it...
warranty repairs be any different
dare i point out that we each paid different amounts for the car? the whole process is a haggle. unless you buy a saturn, you never know what the guy parked next to you paid for the identical vehicle to yours.if we don't feel jipped and ripped off by that process, than why should varying amounts for out of w...
Let it go, repair it
I've been following this thread and stayed out of it until now. Would I be upset if my radio/cd lights took a crap? You bet! Would I follow the advice to call Honda to see if they would work with me/meet me halfway? You Bet! (Has this been done yet by you, mpopeskov??) If they said "no you're out of warr...
Solaris operating system
Most software manufacturers will give free patches and hotfixes for a pretty long time. They won't give you the new version for free but they'll gladly update the old one.Microsoft, for example, gives free updates for five year old versions of Windows. That's beyond the warranty period of most comp...
The Accord is the best car
I usually stay out of these types of arguments, but I just had to say something this time. A little history on why I'm driving an Accord and not some other car right now. My family's first car was an '87 Olds Cutlass Ciera. It was a POS car that started 1/3 of the time. It's underpowered and everything broke...
electrician to change a light bulb
um, sometimes it isnt as simple as changing a bulb.ps-if you paid someone to come change a burnt out light bulb in your own home, how much do you think it would be fair to pay them for their labor?? play along. i know it soudns absurd, but nothing is free, not even calling an electrician to change a light bul...
My arguements also mentioned GE & RCA...
What's the difference between telling someone they "wouldn't understand" & telling them that they're stupid? You already quoted the whole text....what about it is offensive? The pointing out that others here know they're cars are perfect & there's a thread to show that? That...
EVERYTHING from oil changes to rebuilding an engine
what do you propse the period after the warranty is for? there is a cutoff for everything. i'm not sure what you are really trying to argue here??it seems rather pointless.there won't be a recall on a radio for crying out loud.IF anyone wants to replace it free or reduced cost, well, that's GREAT. that'...
"average" lcd displays
you state all the improvements made to the electronic components, and in an office building that's great and they may be more reliable. but.... I hope you are putting into consideration the extreme conditions a car presents to electronics that an office doesn't. extreme temperature changes and co...
Mercedes does not replace fuel pumps 1K out of warranty
Mercedes does not replace fuel pumps 1K out of warranty. It costs $1200. I'd consider that a safety issue. It will leave you stranded anywhere and everywhere, and by Murphy's law it will be on the expressway in the middle lane during rush hour. Mercedes doesn't care less. So the moral is, stop buying ca...
perform like a new product for a period of time
Benji, other manufacturers lack of quality assurance doesn't in any way absolve Honda from fixing what seems to be a relatively common and consistent problem. That's like going to the hospital with a broken arm, and the hospital turning you away telling you that you're lucky you only have a broken ar...