You got me curious, so I'm looking a little deeper into this and find that with Honda care it states you MUST maintain your Honda in accordance with its recommended maintenance schedule to be covered and also looks like you have to use the dealer for any and all repairs. I'm not very confident in the dealers right now and would like the freedom of using someone I trust to fix my car. While it is cheap, cheapest isn't always cheapest.....
Maybe you are lucky and have a good dealer you trust to do the job right and will fix things under warranty that other dealers may not. Maybe your warranty is as great as you think, but the dealers around me, I trust as far as I can throw and don't even want to let them put air in my tires, so I need a good warranty with flexibility and Hondacare doesn't offer that. Hopefully, neither of us need to use the warranty(something I'm counting on) but I prefer to be able to choose who does my work and I'm willing to pay extra for that. 2 different people, 2 different needs, 2 different plans....