Well, what CUP mentioned is more or less correct, because there's a number of trim levels for the Accords here in Malaysia. There's the basic entry level, with no chrome trims, but again, there is the ultimate Accord with a high level of trim. Furthermore, there's many rice accords running around nowadays. U just need to go to the right place. Yup, mine has full fog lamps, door handle chrome trims (interior and exterior), chrome trims for the bumpers (rear and front), covered cup holders, and such. anyway, Malaysia introduced NAP (National Automotive Policy) whereby it forces the prices of cars down, and now can see about 10% drop (only!), so, the top end Accord now is about RM220k, and still fantastically cheap! (I'm being sarcastic!!!). But still there's a 300% tax no doubt. To answer other questions, Malaysians don't really have much options. The average Malaysian will be driving a Proton (Malaysian made car), and that's about it. To put into perspective, if you want a mere Japanese car (Honda, Toyota, etc), then be prepared for at least RM100k (that's USD25k) for the lowest end Japanese model. e.g. a 2006 Civic is already RM120k (above USD27k)If you want an European car (BMW, Merc, Jag), your wallet will need to have at least RM400k (that over USD100k). Typical BMW 5-Series E90 goes for a mere RM500k only (a couple of bucks more than USD100k).There only American car (but Korean or Thai build) is the Chevy.