A district manager called me today. She wanted to clairfy what happened at both dealers. She also said she called Grand Blanc Honda and asked for the service manager, he was out to lunch, meanwhile I told her the service advisor told me yesterday that he was out for the whole week. Not a good look for GB Honda.
She also said, she would not be able to warranty the work but rather good will it which is what I mentioned to GB Honda yesterday. I should be getting a definite answer on friday. She said this is a pretty cut and dry case.
If they good will this, I won't be going back to this dealer for any more work, I'd rather drive to the next city. I don't feel comfortable leaving my cars in their hands especially after their advisors lied to me. They'll probably have some resentment towards me as well after I told the dist mgr how I was treated. I didn't hold back trust me.