so at 4500, my MM is showing service code A, which, according to the honda web site's code explanation thingie is just an oil change.
however, i've heard people say that it's not a bad idea to rotate tires at the same time, even though manual/MM doesn't specifically call out for it until a subsequent oil change (2nd or 3rd, depending on how often you'll be changing oil).
i've been calling local dealers all morning trying to get some prices and find a shop where they'd let me watch them work. all but two just gave me prices. one asked the mileage on the car and -then- quoted prices.
the last shop asked for the mileage on the car and said that, at that point, they'd caution against rotating tires. they said it's not a good idea to do that early and asked why i wanted to. being put on the spot, i blurted out something about them starting to show wear (which, incidentally they are). the guy was completely shocked. he said that this may be indicative of some other problem which may been to be explored further, but still suggested -not- rotating the tires....
personally, i have no idea. i don't have the records for the '87 anymore, but, if memory serves, they got rotated every 15K.
what do we think? rotating at 5: yay or ney? thanks