>>>This is hard to do when the numbers are printed in size 48 font on the side of the car's window,<<<
Erm, what numbers Benj? mpg? correct mileage or b*****t figures?
Honda only manage 19th place in the mpg charts for the UK, so realisticaly, claiming "good MPG" from an Accord is a contradiction in terms!
On US type roads my ZX 1.9D would prob return 60-65 mpg as I have had 55 mpg here a few times. heh, heh.. My friends dtr has a lil manual Citreoen AX 1.4 diesel that she claims manages 80 ish mpg!! Most of the small petrol Fiats here will do 60+ mpg. Even my friends 2 litre, 4x4 Toyota RAV4 diesel will do 40+ mpg..
I know that diesels are in limited supply in the US, but if I lived there I would be asking WHY in a VERY loud voice!!!! (in UK CO2 production charts Honda come 19th)..
Interesting prog on TV here a couple of nights ago, it was from the "global warming is perfectly normal" brigade, unfortunately they were no more convincing than the "Gore view" people.. either way, cleaning up our planet is a good idea, so overall the doom and gloom brigade are helping us most from that point of view.