I was passing a large truck, downgeared into third gear, let out the clutch, and
the transmission popped out of third gear. I found myself in neutral facing on
coming traffic, and had to slam on my brakes and pull in behind the truck (almost
had a head on collision). This popping out of gear, and difficulty shifting into
gear has been going on for over a year and occurs perhaps 3 or 4 times a month.
After this near miss I decided to get it fixed. Before going to the dealer this
morning I did an internet search on "3 gear accord 6 cylinder manual" and one of
the results was Honda Service Bulletin 08-020. This bulletin covers my 07 Accord
and is for "Transmission Grinds When Shifting Into 3rd Gear, Pops Out of 3rd
Gear, or is Hard to Shift Into 3rd Gear, Note: These symptoms can be intermittant
and sometimes more noticable in colder climates. Faulty 3rd gear synchronizer or
shift sleve" Sounds exactly like my problem so I went to the dealer today to have
it corrected. The dealer went for a test drive and couldn't duplicate the problem
(it can go for over a week without showing up), he said Honda's policy was unless
they could see the problem Honda would not authorize any repairs to be made. I
called up US Honda (800 999 1009) and spoke to a Mr Jimmy Rudner who verified
what the dealer said. So Honda has found a problem with their transmission (the
one that almost caused me to have a head on collision), released a Service
Bulletin on how to fix it, but refuses to do any repairs until this 3 or 4 times
a month intermittant problem starts to fail often enough for it to fail while the
dealer is actually driving the car. Meanwhile the problem continues.