Expressing your opinion of other people's choice of purchase takes tact, their purchasing decision maybe perfectly fine for them even if it is not for you, I'm sure there are a lot of German vehicle owners who think yours and mine Accords "sucks" as compared to their high-end MB or BMW, does it mean the Accord isn't a good vehicle? Of course not as the Accord suits yours and mine needs just fine.
Saying someone elses' choice of equipment selection "sucks" is indirectly insulting, since you might as well just come out and say "you suck at selecting audio equipment, because I would have never bought that crap".
How does that comment sound to you coming from someone else on your choice of equipment selection?
You've got to put yourself in the other person's shoes when you make a comment, especially on a friendly forum such as DA. And may I suggest you would at least explain OP why you think the selection OP made is inferior in terms of specific performance evaluation etc., and perhaps suggest what equipment maybe better suited in the similar price range, that would be a heck of lot more constructive and a lot less insulting or condecending.
Now back on the installation part, OzKy has very good suggestion on reading up on Crutchfield's site, that's what I did years ago even though I knew the basics, and have indeed lerned a lot.