...hey gang, hope everyone's enjoying the Christmas season so far... ...after reading through lots of threads both here and over at the 'temple of vtec', I started thinking about the whole 'body style' issue, and the whatever gen Accord vs. whatever gen Accord spats that go back and forth... ...as most of us know, personal tastes in car styling are just that, personal preferences. Trends come and go, a car stylists main job is to keep you coveting the new stuff. Sometimes styling trends can definitely be very ho-hum and at other times quite hot, but even that can depend on your own sense of style... ...right now one of the major styling trends is what I call the 'massive grill' treatment, the other popular look is major chrome. Good examples of both are found on Chrysler's, Audi's and VW's, whether you like it or not is completely up to you, if you want one, its the only way they come. Personally, I hate the big huge massive chrome grill treatment, to me, it looks crude and very cheap, and I'm sorry to see Honda resorting to copying that styling gimmick... ...over the years I've come to appreciate what I refer to as the Honda 'look', by that I mean that Honda stylists tended to come up with their own ideas and sometimes others emulated them, the Honda 'look' was clean and refined with no gimmickry, Accord's set their own trends that many other makers sought to copy. Not anymore, now they've resorted to doing what everyone else is, and the best example of car styling that almost everyone else seems to have to copy bits and pieces from is BMW. In the past you could always easily tell a bimmer from a Honda, but now, IMHO, Honda seems to be foundering in terms of automotive styling, now they're resorting to copying instead of originating ideas, again that's my viewpoint. I'd really like to see them get back to where they were a few years ago when a new Honda looked like a new Honda instead of just another 'wannabe'... ...again, your mileage may vary, you might even like massive overkill chrome that, once more in my opinion, is only there to say "hey, look at me!!"... ...hope they get back 'on track' soon...