I never said I disagreed with Chankes opinion about the car. In fact I agree with most of what he said, and he even made positive comments about the car. I just thought it was somewhat confrontational and out of place making those statements in a thread started by someone who just bought a new car and is sharing his excitement. Maybe if he would have stated it differently, but he sounded like he was offended by someone considering the Accord a luxury car and responded with harsh criticism. His statement people call their Accords a luxury car to justify their purchase and feel better about it proves my point that the purpose of such criticism is certainly not a constructive one. Remember we are talking about someone who spends about $30K in a product you are criticizing.I never said we have to automatically praise everyone who buys an Accord, but sometimes if you dont have anything good to say dont say it. Im not against people making negative comments about Honda/Accord; the forum is about sharing experiences good and bad and providing useful information to other fellow members. What bothers me is the unethical behavior that is common in this and other forums, it just creates a hostile and uncomfortable environment. In the real/physical world if you buy a new car and show it to your friend, he/she will probably say good things about it and keep any negative comments to him/herself. Yet in the internet everybody loves to be honest and outspoken. Well, to me honesty is about knowing when to be honest and not about saying everything you have in your mind. BTW, I dont want to create confusion from other members, Im not against other peoples opinion on the car, good or bad, I was just appalled by the negative attitude of some members towards owners of different generation Accords, because after all we all are Accord owners (well almost all). I like the 7th gen as well as the 8th gen, and all the generations before. I love Hondas but Im not a Honda worshiper. I like their cars but I know they are not the only ones who can design/build a decent car. Im aware of all the pros and cons of the Accord (current and past gen.), I dont take it personal if someone hates or dislikes any gen Accord. I just hope for the next 5 years people will get a better reception when they buy a new Accord and come into the forum to express their excitement.I have nothing against Chanke or any other member of the forum. This is a great forum regardless the moments of emotional pain and sleepless nights.I wish you all a great holiday season with your loved ones and dont drink and drive your Hondas (or Tundra).