Finally found the time to take the console apart today using the schematic from Princess. The good news is that it was fairly simple to do, as everything snapped out nicely until I got to the actual shifter plate (with the P, R, N, D...etc.). Then there were 2 easy screws to remove to get the plate off. On the back of the plate, a small red wire led into the light bulb housing, which was removed with a simple twist. Pulled the dead builb, put in the new, and snapped everything back into place.
I was really proud of myself for my newfound mechanical expertise...until I discovered the 2 screws I had taken from the plate and placed on the seat.
No problem - now that I knew what I was doing, I took it apart in 2 minutes, put the screws in and snapped it back together again.
The best part? It actually works!!! I have a lighted shift selector now!