there are ALWAYS lemons when it comes to anything mechanical. his problem with the transmission is supposedly not typical. yes, the original reason for the service call was a problem with acura. someone must have been ticked the day they were assembling this particular car.
it DOES NOT mean that all tl's are crap and you should run the other direction.
his current issues with the car stem from the quality of workmanship done at the dealership. NOT from acura problems.
door adjustment and noisey windows are minor issues. note-the door adjustment issue is something most people never even would've noticed. he is particular about the fine details (like i am) and therefore noticed the one door not lining up 100% perfectly when compared to the other side of the car. if you didn't compare sides of the car, you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with it.
the noisey window, well, i think darn near every car i've ever been in has had a noisey window. yes, something to be fixed. no, not something to keep anyone from looking into buying the car.
if the transmission issue were a "normal" problem for the car, i'd be a little more worried. at the same time, as long as acura is covering the repairs without argument or anything, there is not HUGE problem. inconvienience, yes. problem, no.
if you run from every car because you hear of ONE car with issues, well, you will be left carless!!!!