No...seriously. I really do hope you're referring to me.
Don't take this personally, but anybody defending this crap is making excuses for the deficiencies of a company who's trying to find its own identity among a completely over-saturated market. Everyone from Kia to Audi is trying to find an identity (See "Truth in Engineering" by Audi). Yet you failed to mention the most basic of principles in business:
You have to make money to actually spend money.
As a business owner myself, I'm sorry, but I don't buy into the "Acura's trying to be exclusive". Forgive my frankness, but that's bullcrap and we all know it. Acura's not trying to be anything but more than what they are now. These are facts that can be proven, not some forum babble I'm trying to make up to impress people. If you can find me any fact that suggests otherwise, I'll retract everything I've ever said.
Fact of the matter is, Acura IS struggling. As a brand, they've got Honda behind them and that'll never change, which is a wonderful thing. I couldn't think of any company I'd rather have behind me more than them. Except maybe the VAG. But for the past 15 years, Acura has struggled with trying to become more than the "premium entry-level luxury brand" they've became associated with. Their words, not mine. For the past 10 years, they've struggled with brand imaging. For the past 5 years, they've struggled with marketing. And for the past two years, they've struggled to seperate themselves AS A BRAND from Honda. All facts proven by the desperate attempt at seperation as seen by the lack of cohesiveness in the RL's updated design. Everything I've said can be verified through various media outlets. As I've mentioned, I'm too tired and too lazy to look it up, but instead of encouraging Acura to stay where they are, we should be encouraging Acura to be grow.