We also have "our things". I don't care for radio control toys....he loves them. He enjoys the technical end of most anything....I just want to know enough to use/do it. He glazes over when I get excited over a great find on shoes....I glaze over when he has to know every tidbit of whatever he's interested in. If you like it, buy it!!
I'd be more apt to sky dive than he would. "Why would anyone want to jump out of a perfectly good plane?" Um, fun.
He loves audio books.....I have no interest in them.... the idea for me is to sit & relax to read. With some hot tea/cocoa in front of the fireplace on a cold day. He just like books....so to "read" when working is a good thing for him.
It all evens out in the end.
I'm lucky that I never have "beg" for many things some of my friends have. He considers "wrinkle cream", make up, perfume, etc. as much of a priority as I do. Always has. In return, he doesn't get too much razzing over his variety of tools he HAS to have. None over work tools.
I've always believed that the key to a long term relationship, whatever the differences is to both believe that you got the better end of the deal. That way you both strive to live up to the other one's expectations. We each think the other one is smarter, we each think the other one is crazier, we both think the other one is more deserving.
And that crazy guy will still chase me around the house & carry me over a threshold!!