It gained more than 6hp. The 03-05's and 06-07's are rated using different standards. The standards used in the 06-07's show a lower horsepower rating than the previous standards would. You gained somewhere north of 10hp, though I can't say exactly how much.
I can't remember when I figured this out, but it had something to do with taking the average of a few horsepower differences in various cars using the new standard, oh well, I forget, but anyway, I figured out that the new standard rates horsepower approx 8-9hp lower than the old standard did. I'm probably wrong as my method was hardly scientific, so if anyone else has their own approximation of how much lower the new rating system would rate a car like the accord, please share.
I am also not sure how this system affects torque ratings. I'm sure someone smarter than myself could enlighten us all a little bit better.