Thats right! I emailed them asking when they were going to be selling them... Q: "Do you have an idea on when the Evo2 Exhaust will be out for the 2008Honda Accord Coupe v6? -Thanks!" A: "We will actually be releasing two systems for that car, a single exit Racing TiC and a dual exit Evo2 system. Expect to see these around summertime this year.
Greddy Performance Products" So heres my question, what do you guys think? Should I get the TiC or the Evo2 -My Opinion, I like the sound of TiC but then i have a circle type of hole in the bumper, b/c its only single exit, and i also like the Evo2 but it seems more of the "Civic" sound if you get what I am trying to say... So ya.. theres the news, and I just want people's opinions, rather than just my own.